= Mandatory field
All paid employees working in private service sectors, including those in managerial positions, can apply for membership of Service Union United PAM. Self-employed professionals and entrepreneurs who have no additional employees can also join the Union. In addition, students studying for a service sector occupation are also welcome to join.
You can join PAM if you are currently in paid employment. Unemployed people or those currently on an unpaid period cannot join the Union or the Unemployment Fund. Unpaid periods include unpaid maternity, paternity and parental leave, sickness benefits and unemployment allowance paid by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), national military service, or full-time studies (in this case, however, you can join as a student member), etc.
Your PAM membership fee is 1.5% of your gross pay – in other words, your earnings before tax – including the fee for the Unemployment Fund (for example, the membership fee is 15 euros for monthly pay of €1,000). The amount of membership fee is confirmed by the PAM Council on an annual basis. The fee covers all services and member benefits offered by PAM and the Unemployment Fund.
You will pay membership fees to the Union and the Unemployment Fund for all taxable earnings, benefits and bonuses paid by your employer. If you have several employment relationships, you should pay membership fees for each of your employment relationships. Membership fees are also payable for part-time work and work done while receiving adjusted unemployment benefits. The Unemployment Fund will deduct membership fees from the benefits paid to you. You are also required to pay membership fees for any paid work done while studying.